Baton Rouge, East Baton Rouge Parish |
Code of Ordinances |
Chapter 17. TEEN CLUBS |
§ 9:967. Restrictions on admission.
Right of entry. There may be only one point of entry for admission into the teen club. The licensee shall have at least one security personnel stationed at the point of entry. Any emergency exits required under the Code or other applicable law or regulation must be secured so as to prevent unauthorized access into the teen club.
Waiting area. The licensee must provide a waiting area, wholly on the teen club premises, where persons waiting for admission into or departing from the teen club may assemble without occupying a right-of-way while still in view of the security personnel.
In-and-out privileges. The licensee shall not permit a patron who has left the teen club to re-enter the teen club unless that patron repays the admission charge.
Age restrictions. The licensee shall not admit any person:
Under the age of fourteen (14) years; or
Eighteen (18) years of age or older except any:
Owner, officer, managing agent or employee of the teen club;
Parent or legal guardian accompanying his child or ward; or
Spouse of a person described in subsections a. or b. above.
Proof of age. The licensee shall not admit any person who does not possess and display satisfactory identification indicating that they are the appropriate age under subsection 9:967(d). For purposes of this section, "satisfactory identification" means identification bearing the person's name, photograph, and date of birth. A state issued identification card or a high school issued identification card for the most recent academic year are examples of satisfactory identification. Proof of age may also be made by a parent accompanying the child to the waiting area, who attests to the age of the child, displays his or her identification, and records his or her name as attesting to the truth of the child's age.
(Ord. No. 15034, § 1, 11-23-10)