Baton Rouge, East Baton Rouge Parish |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 2:356. Immediate removal of derelict or abandoned aircraft obstructing traffic or endangering public health, safety or welfare.
The director of aviation or the director's designee may immediately remove any derelict or abandoned aircraft which obstructs traffic or endangers the public health, safety or welfare from premises owned or controlled by the city, parish, and/or Greater Baton Rouge Airport District, whether or not such premises are under a lease or license to a third party. Immediate securing or removal is authorized under circumstances of genuine and immediate jeopardy to the public health, safety, and welfare, including but not limited to:
When any derelict or abandoned aircraft is unsecured or inadequately secured to prevent migration of the aircraft into lanes of travel for ground vehicles or aircraft, in the opinion of the director of aviation or the director's designee. Under such circumstances, the director of aviation or the director's designee may take action to secure the derelict or abandoned aircraft and proceed with the removal process as outlined in section 2:355 of this chapter. Any and all expenses associated with the securing of the aircraft shall be paid by the owner or person with an ownership interest in the aircraft to the enforcing agency prior to release of the aircraft to the owner and/or interested party.
When any derelict or abandoned aircraft is leaking or otherwise emitting fluids or debris that are not promptly removed, in the opinion of the director of aviation or the director's designee. Under such circumstances, the director of aviation or the director's designee may take action to secure or remove the derelict or abandoned aircraft from airport property, may take prudent and required environmental cleanup actions as may be required by law, and proceed with the removal process as outlined in section 2:355 of this chapter. Any and all expenses associated with the securing or removal of the aircraft, or with environmental cleanup necessitated by leaking fluids or shedding of aircraft parts shall be paid by the owner or person with an ownership interest in the aircraft to the enforcing agency prior to release of the aircraft to the owner and/or interested party.
As soon as practicable following securing or removing an aircraft creating a genuine and immediate jeopardy to the public health, safety, and welfare, but in no case more than seven (7) days after an emergency removal, the director of aviation or the director's designee shall engage in the search for ownership and/or notification process outlined in 2:355, above. If the aircraft is secured out of public view, and a printed notice is required, the director of aviation or the director's designee shall post the notice required by 2:355(c) as close as possible to the last known parking location of the abandoned or derelict aircraft.
(Ord. No. 15308, § 1, 5-9-12)