§ 1:503. Same—Policies and procedures.  

Latest version.
  • For the purpose of making supplemental appropriations under the provisions of Section 8.18 of the Plan of Government and transfers under provisions of Section 8.17 of the Plan, and allocations from budgeted reserve accounts, the following policies and procedures are hereby established:


    Before any office shall submit a request for an appropriation, transfer or allocation to the mayor-president, the request shall be reduced to writing and submitted on forms prescribed by the director of finance, with the concurrence of the council budget officer, such forms to contain instructions as to use and such other information as may be deemed appropriate to fully explain the request. Requests shall be forwarded to the director of finance, with a copy of the council budget officer.


    The director of finance shall consult with the council budget officer and forward the request for a budget supplement to the mayor-president for consideration, but only after certifying thereon that there is available either an unappropriated cash surplus or budgeted reserve fund sufficient to meet the request, together with such other recommendations concerning the making of the appropriation or allocation from funds available therefor as the director of finance may deem appropriate. The director of finance shall likewise transmit all requests for transfers to the mayor-president, together with any comments or recommendations with respect thereto. The mayor-president shall approve or deny all such requests for transfers and return the request to the director of finance for appropriate action thereon.


    Upon receiving the report and recommendation of the director of finance with respect to any request for a budget supplement to be made from surplus, the mayor-president shall thereupon consider the request and either:


    Forward the request to the council budget officer, recommending council consideration; or


    Return the request to the office originating same, indicating that the mayor-president does not recommend council consideration, or requesting further facts and information based upon which further consideration of the request would be in order.


    With respect to a request for a budget supplement to be made from a budgeted reserve account, the mayor-president shall in all cases forward the request to the council budget officer along with his recommendations to the council.


    The council budget officer shall study and analyze the request for the purpose of making specific recommendations thereon to the finance and budget committee and councilmen, and shall place the item on the agenda of the next regular meeting of the council, for introduction, if required, and referral to the finance and budget committee for its consideration and recommendation.

(City Code 1951, Title 1, § 503)